

권여현 Yeohyun Kwon

홍익대학교 교수

학력 Education
1987. 서울대학교 대학원 서양화과 졸업
1985. 서울대학교 미술대학 회화과 졸업
M. F. A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 1987
B. F. A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 1985

레지던시 Residency
2007 싸이트 인터네셔널 데 아트 Cite Internationale des Arts.
2007 국민대 레지던시 Professor of Kookmin University

개인전 One Person’s Exhibitions
2013 맥거핀 디자이너. OCI미술관, 서울
2012 서울 모던아트쇼. AT center, 서울
2011 코나투스의 체계. ITB 갤러리, 반둥, 인도네시아
2010 마법풀기. 더 컬럼스갤러리, 서울
2008 마법의 숲. 더 화이트갤러리, 서울
2013 Macguffin desire. OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2012 Seoul Modern Art Show. AT center, Seoul, Korea
2011 System of Conatus. Gallery Soemardja Faculty of Art & Design-ITB, Badung, Indonesia
2010 Decoding Magic. The Columns Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2008 Magic Forest. The White Gallery, Seoul, Korea

수상 Awards
2005 제5회 하종현미술상
1995 제1회 한국일보 청년작가전 우수상 수상(백상 갤러리)
1991 제10회 석남미술상 수상
1990 제13회 중앙미술대전 우수상 수상 (호암갤러리)
1986 ’86 동아미술제 동아미술상 수상 (국립현대미술관)
1984 제 9회 창작 미협 공모전 대상 수상 (미술회관)
2005 5th Ha Jong Hyun Art Prize by Ha Jong Hyun Art Prize Association
1995 1st Young Artists Exhibition, 1st Prize Awarded by Han Gook Ilbo (National Daily News Paper)
1991 10th “Suk-Nam” Prize, Awarded by Korean Fine Art Critic Association
1990 13th Jung-Ang Grand Prix Exhibition, Excellent Prize, Awarded by Jung-Ang Ilbo (National Daily News Paper)
1986 1986’ Biannual Dong-A Fine Art Festival, 1st Prize, Awarded by Dong-A Ilbo (National Daily News Paper)
1984 9th National Subscription by Chang-Jark Fine Art Association, Grand Prize

퍼포먼스 Performance
2009 불의 모험 “구도자” (제5회 국제 도자 비엔날레 국제 퍼포먼스)
2007 “Red cross” (국민아트갤러리, 인도네시아 수나리오 미술관)
2004 “Wind Fish” (김포평야, 금호아트홀2009)
2002 “부유자아” (국민아트갤러리)
2000 “예술혼”
1994 “Self Armor”(예술의 전당)
2009 Ceramic Passion “A Seeker after Truth” (The 5th World Ceramic Biennale 2009 International Performance show)
2007 Red Cross. Kookmin Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea / Slasar Sunaryo Art Space Bandung. Indonesia.
2004 Wind Fish. Kimpo Field, Kumho Art Hall 2009
2002 Floating the I. Kookmin Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2000 Art Spirit. Kookmin Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1994 Self Armor. Art Museum Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

Rhizome forest 91x116.5cm oil on canvas 2016_1,500만원_USD15,000

Rhizome forest 91x116.5cm oil on canvas 2016_1,500_USD15,000


Rhizome Book Forest_ 91x73cm_ Oil on Canvas_2017_900만원_USD9,000


The pond of Ophelia 91x116.5cm oil on canvas 2016_1,500만원_USD15,000


The pond of Ophelia 91x116.5cm oil on canvas 2015_1,500만원_USD 15,000


부유자아 Fioating I_91x117cm oil on canvas 2002- 2016_1500만원_USD 15000


Rhizome Forest _61x46cm_Oil on Canvas_2014_360만원_USD3,600


Oelia in rhizome forest 2016_92x61cm_1100만원_USD1,1000


91x73cm_Oil on Canvas_900만원_USD9000


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